Yesterday, Jared bought himself a new car.
Jared's dream car for the moment is the "bumble bee" transformer from the movie "Transformers"
Not the old shitty one.... The new one. Jared tells me it's the 2009 model. I don't know if that car is out yet or not but I do know this... Jared is a creature of habit.
Albert Einstein wore the same suit every day because his brilliant mind could not be cluttered with choices like that - such is Jared. Jared wears a hard rock shirt about 90% of the time, eats mexican food whenever it's an option, and has had the same haircut since I first met him in the 5th grade. His mind cannot be bothered by such trivial decisions. It has to be open and available to receive information about things such as Transformers, Lord of the Rings, and the Matrix. How else would jared be able to CRUSH his friends and family in an unfriendly game of "Trivial Persuit - Lord of the Rings Edition" (seriously).
Another example is that when jared was younger (16 ish) his dad drove a VW Jetta. When he turned 16 - they gave him the old Jetta to use as his car. When Jared got his first real job.. he bought a new jetta.
Still ANOTHER example is this... Jared likes a band called "Blue October"... I have not heard anything by them but he claims they are the shiznight.... A few weeks ago I asked him to play a song from his iPhone and he pulled it up... HE ONLY HAD BLUE OCTOBER ALBUMS ON IT. Jared finds something he likes -- and laser focuses on it.
**UPDATE** This is just another example of jared being a creature of habit. When he goes out of town and rents a car -- it MUST be the same car he has at home.. otherwise it could take 1 or 2 hours to get familiar with the instrumentation before he is ready to pull out onto the road.**UPDATE**
All of this is leading to a conclusion which you can probably foresee. Below are pictures of Jared's new car. Yes it's the same make, model, and year as his old car. The only additions that I can see are a rear sproiler and a manual transmission. If you look close you can even see the tires from his old car on it.
Enjoy the pictures...
Jared's dream:

Jared's Domain:

Jared's Reality: